NIF believes that social injustice, poverty and not meeting basic needs of the community are caused by the violationof the rights.
NIF works in partnership, co- ordination and collaboration with stakeholders, including the marginalized groups at the grass roots in different communities and with like-minded organizations, INGOs/NGOs/CBOs, Provincial and local government bodies and government line agencies.
NIF believes that local resources mobilization is necessary for sustaining the development efforts initiated in the target community/stakeholders.
NIF firmly believes in integrated development embracing effective policy implementation, good governnce, advocacy, awareness, education, health, and empowerment through enhance the capacity to stakeholder for the alleviating widespread poverty.
The main objective of Nepal Intellectual Foundation (NIF) is to promote democracy, good governance, including constitution and federalism Analysis of implementation practices, studies, research and other national experiences, To improve the accountability of local, state and federal governments by sharing experiences at the level Conducting necessary programs. Formulate a plan to provide quality and efficient service, Empower service providers to fulfill their responsibilities, including the implementation process Develop training, seminars, situation analysis, studies, research, monitoring evaluation, training manual And other types of manual production and publication etc.